Wednesday, February 1, 2012

From The Slippery Realm Of Battle Rap Lyrics A.K.A. "Bars".....Ironic Enough for our blog title...

"He prolly faker than them shoes from the ockie. I'll pitch a puck to em' so fast that he'll loose a tooth like we playin' hockey. If he try me, push em' in front of the track (musical track/metaphoric allusion for a train track); make em' play tackle wit a trolley (lol)." -Pusha Feek (URL/Ultimate Rap League, Street Arena Battle League Rapper).

I was amazed by the inadvertent insult in the last line mainly, because it was suggesting to the gentleman's opponent who said the quote (Pusha Feek) that he should try and re-direct his anger towards something that he inevitably cannot withstand, nor ultimately conqueror. I thought of trolley as literally meaning a trolley train car which adds more weight to that line or "bar" as noted in the dynamics of battle rap lyricism. The rhetorical situation of battle rapping is the physical talking or "rapping" and rhyming of words to verbally injure your opponent all in the name of friendly competition. It can even be seen as debating yet, in a stylistic and orally rhymic fashion. The rap pseudonym or "tagged" names that rappers even give to themselves like "Pusha Feek" did is another example of how deeply immersed battle rappers are in their oratory craftsmanship; the mere construction of thier words holds interesting nuggets of allusionary and almost poetic metaphors that allow audiences to fully capture just how strongly he or she feels when expressing what is on their mind. Anything from violence, to comedy is used in battle rapping in a way that seeks to "lyrically overwhelm" his or her opponent to the degree that the adversary buckles under the pressure of trying to skillfully think of something witty and cool to say without stumbling over their words or freezing up entirely. As with Pusha Feek, the young man decided to name himself that assumingly from the street metaphor for working hard (pushing) and feek as a presumed shortening of his actual name which I have not been successful in locating at this current time. All in whole, this comment had a dramatic effect on me not only due to how the young man presented it and laughed at his own bars while causing his audience to laugh in admiration for how skilled he was with the delivery of it but, I also was captivated lastly by this since he gave such a thought-provoking insight into how he wanted his opponent to feel (to be immobilized lyrically similar to trying to attack someone repeatedly, getting teeth knocked out, fighting over something constantly with a stick as in hockey, coming out of it injured......being artifical as a street salesman wanting to alluring unsuspecting customers into a cheap deal (ockie), and to at last be defeated without any way to fight back fairly by getting hit with a trolley metaphorically speaking in all of this....

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