Saturday, March 31, 2012

Forget it, Jake. It's Chiasmustown.

So, I thought I’d take a chiasmus poll, because I was having a rather chiasmus-inspired evening last night.

I am currently in production for Sweeney Todd (Opens April 12!Hi, my name’s S. Hamless Plug.Free for Metro Students!) and I had a profound moment of philosophical-theatre-tacit-persuasion (merged words!). But the eternal, burning question remains: chiasmus? or -shmiasmus?

Stage Managers:
Represent tech to the actors and the actors for tech.

And later, on Facebook, I posted a chiasmus-themed status update:

To chiasmus or not to chiasmus, that is the question. But that is not a chiasmus.

The majority of my friend-base is made up of non-English-majors, and therefore give me blank stares when I use terms even as common as "rhetoric" so I wasn't expecting much of a response to this one. But to my incredible delight, a friend of mine from my hometown posted almost immediately in response:

Nope, just antithetical parallelism.

... Oh, and if given the option to chiasmus, to chiasmus is always the option.

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