Saturday, April 14, 2012

BLog post for week 4/10-4/12

"A small garden well tended is far more comely than a large garden that shows over ambition."

Writing With Style, John Trimble

I liked this metaphor for writing. I like the imagery of imagining writing as a garden. It works. I think it's a popular view among people that write because once when I was trying to explain the process of writing to my ex husband I used a gardening analogy. I just like the wisdom packed in this small sentence. And, that's one way it works. It goes along with what Liz was saying in class last week about our author analysis and how we sometimes try to do too much, focusing on too many things and, therefore, losing quality. It's better to focus on one thing and get the most out of it.

Sometimes it's best to give your full attention to a small issue rather than give little attention to many issues.

In my imitation I tried to say the same thing without using metaphor. Maybe by doing that I expanded the audience. SOme people may not care for gardens, and that would make them lose on what was being said. But I kept the wisdom of the words the original sentence carried.

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