Sunday, April 22, 2012

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem- Means to cease the day.

This is an old well-known phrase that I have always loved and have made a part of my life. Although this phrase speaks for itself I love the meaning it has and the encouragement it gives when life gets rough and I find myself having a hard time with things I cannot change. In the last few weeks of school, I have a lot of projects on my plate and with everything I am trying to complete, so that I can graduate, I am finding myself often stressed out and unmotivated, like many of my collegues. However, when I think about these two words it reminds me that anything is possible I just have to hang in there and keep working. I know my hard work will pay off soon, but with everything I am juggling it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Therefore, I often have to remind myself to cease the day and make each moment of my time, work, and efforts to count. If I want to graduate I cannot give up now.

Immitaion: Conquer today and tomorrow will be your victory.

To all my fellow classmates who feel the same as I do, don't give up. We are almost done!!

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