Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 2 Blog Post

"Child Brings Pot to School for Snack: Cops" - Bob Connors for

This phrase caught my eye because I don't understand why the author placed it where it is. Why couldn't the author have written "Cops: Child Brings Pot to School for snack"? Or maybe "Cops Say Child Brought Pot to School for Snack"? Since I saw this byline on Wednesday night, I have seen others like it and I find it a little strange. I also noticed that determiners and auxiliary words are missing, which is understandable because of the need for brevity. My only issue is that the lack of certain words and the "strange" placement of punctuation marks can cause misunderstanding in the audience.
My example of a sentence like this would be "Man Skips Across Street, No Real Reason: Witness".

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